Join Our Team!

At Magica Fourka we appreciate and honor all our employees and our partners throughout Greece. Our philosophy is based on teamwork and the provision of job security and rewards, as well as continuous training and improvement of our knowledge and skills.  

If you wish to join our team, fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.


I hereby declare that I give my express and unconditional consent to the retention and processing of my personal data, that is to say, but not limited to, name, city, address, PC, no. telephone, email, ATM, DOU, AMKA, marital status date of birth, which have been notified to the public limited company under the name "ERGANET TEMPORARY JOINT STOCK COMPANY", located in Athens, Atisou & 2-4, Athens, Greece of this form, either by way of employment contract between us, either sent by me by e-mail, or delivered by me to the headquarters of the above-mentioned company for the purpose of (a) performing the actions required for of milled by our contract obligations and b) compliance with the requirements of Pat. Nos. 679/2016 NOE on the protection of personal data.
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