Quality standards throughout all the stages of our work!

The quality policy of MAGICA FOURKA FACILITY MANAGEMENT SA is expressed by the Management's complete commitment to the maximum possible satisfaction of its customers' needs through the services provided to them. Managers of all departments of the company are committed to fully implement quality assurance procedures in their areas of responsibility. Their main concern is to raise the awareness of all staff on quality issues and to continually strive to improve the existing quality system and the efficiency of their work through the efficient use of people, machines and materials.

The basis quality policy is summarized as follows:

  • To achieve and maintain the quality of its services at the level it promises to customers, using the best available technology and know-how in accordance to the company's financial capabilities.
  • To meet its obligations within the agreed deadlines, terms and conditions.
  • To inform its customers about the proper delivery of its services and to plan quality improvements based on customer feedback.
  • To ensure organized training of its personnel in order to increase quality awareness and specialization in their work.
  • To ensure continuous improvement of the quality of services provided to customers.

The primary objective of MAGICA FOURKA Facility Management A.E. It is to provide high quality services with respect to the health and safety of individuals living, working and doing business inside facilities of its responsibility.
